Premier Seed Nigeria Limited is the foremost seed company in Nigeria with 30 years experience in the business of seed production and commercialization. The company’s mission is to provide improved seeds of different crop/varieties to farmers through the broad application of the science of genetics and technological innovations.
Premier Seed produces and distribute high-quality seeds optimized for local growing conditions with the basic goal of making the farming business profitable for all farmers by increasing productivity, improve food security and strengthened smallholder farmer livelihoods in Nigeria.
The company collaborates with leading leading research institutions with mandate for specific crops to breed, develop and release improved crop varieties of field crops and vegetables with desirable features such as high yield potential, tolerant/resistant to different biotic and abiotic factors that constraints crop production in Nigeria. Such varieties included among others; early maturing, drought tolerant and striga resistant maize varieties; flood tolerant rice varieties, high iron cowpea and millet varieties; Pro Vitamin a and Quality Protein maize as well as an array of both local and exotic vegetables.
The Research and Development Department of the company is led by seasoned, highly trained and experienced plant breeders and supported by a team of Research Officers and Field Assistants. It is involved with development of market-winning products, operating a highly developed Out-growers scheme, of highly trained and motivated farmers to produce high quality foundation seeds for certified seed production of all our commercial marketed products.
The company has in place a well-organized out-growers scheme where farmers are registered, MoU signed, trained, and supported with inputs such as seed, agro-chemical and fertilizers for the purpose of certified seed production. Our production capacity is over 10,000mt per annum. On the production team are highly trained and experienced breeders, agronomists and field technicians
There is also a standing committee constituted by Management, Internal Quality Control team to verify and ascertain the quality of the work being done in the fields. This is in addition to the responsibility of National Agricultural Seed Council (NASC) which has the statutory function to ensure that seeds produced are all of desired quality.
The company has in place a well-structured marketing network with zonal offices across 24 states in the country including Kebbi, Kaduna, Niger, Cross River, Delta, Ebonyi and Benue States. We also have in place commission agents and networks of agro-dealers across the different local government areas of the states.
Maize has been targeted as one of the major food crops for Provitamin A (PVA) enrichment and delivery. Yellow maize naturally accumulates PVA carotenoids, including a-carotene, Bcarotene (BC) and B-cryptoxanthin (BCX), which can be metabolically converted to active Vitamin A in the human body.
Premier Seed Nigeria Limited collaborate with International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) to develop, Register and commercialize a Vitamin A Maize hybrid with high level resistance to Striga and tolerance to other biotic and abiotic factors that constrain maize production in Nigeria.
Director Research and Production
Senior Human Resource Manager
Seed Varieties
Small Holders Farmers
Employment Created
+(234) 8028434672
Chikaji Industrial Estate, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria